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Workshops :
- energy healing
- Ma-Uri massage
Courses Polynesian Ma- Uri massage are designed for people who want to heal their loved ones and friends . A massage therapists who conduct their studies are likely to increase the number of its customers , because this massage has a lot of advantages. See the "Offer" - massages. The curriculum of a basic set is 6 meetings . The study includes information about the history and customs of the Maori , learning basic dance steps , full body massage techniques and energy transfer . Holistic healing by Ma- Uri massage is always a great mystery that is worth get to know . Persons performing the massage experience the healing on themselfes.
Cours of energy healing takes place on two levels.
First level , basic, two - day event designed for people who I recommend healing themselves and their loved ones only. And also their pets.The program includes protection and purification techniques , meditations , initiations , practical exercises in energy sensing , the science of the aura and chakras , human anatomy , contact with guides , learning the basic techniques of healing.
Second degree is only for eligible persons who completed the first level . The program covers the theory and methodology of holistic healing technique Grace and others. Students are provided some deep secrets of healing and spiritual contacts .The certificate which they will receive after completing the course, entitles them to work independently as a healer .
At the workshop organized by me, I invite teachers who have a passion and knowledge of the people they want to convey interesting information. These topic range from different philosophies , religions , healing techniques, travel , artistic life , and more. Among guests are people arriving from overseas

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